Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ashlyn meets baby Anderson.....

Ashlyn got home from Aunt Brandy's. My dad brought her upstairs and she had a big smile on her face at first when she saw me but then when she saw me with Anderson her facial expression changed fast. She wasn't to sure at that moment. I didn't get on camera.
Ashlyn meets Baby Anderson

Ashlyn is still a little unsure.

She is still checking Anderson out.

Now she becomes curious.

She is starting to get excited now.

She decided at this moment she is going to pull on Anderson blanket he is wrapped in.

Ashlyn watches as Aunt Brandy holds Anderson.

Our first family photo together.


Holly said...

Ashlyn is such a cutey. That was sweet how she was checking him out. She is such a sweet girl, I know she'll be a good big sister.

Amilyn -N- Brandon said...

Such a beautiful family! I love that last picture of everyone together!