Friday, August 26, 2011

How to make your own household items.....

So last night was our monthly Relief Society at church and we learned how to make our own Homemade detergent, Non-Abrasive scouring powder for disinfecting and Lemon Spray Cleaner (multi-purpose). So if you are interested here is how you would do it.

Homemade detergent
1 bar grated Fels Naptha Soap
1 1/3 cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda Detergent Booster
1 1/3 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
(Mix and store in an airtight container)

Small loads 1 spoonful

Medium loads 1 1/2 spoonful

Heavy loads 2 spoonful

Non-Abrasive scouring powder for disinfecting

4 parts baking soda

1 part borax

(store in a shaker container)

Lemon Spray Cleaner (multi-purpose)

2 cups water

2 TBS lemon juice

1/2 tsp dish soap (like dawn)

1 TBS baking soda

1 tsp Borax

(Pour in spray bottle and mix well before using. You can add vinegar but be careful. Baking soda and vinegar mixed has the volcano effect so add it REAL SLOW!)


Lacey Jay said...

Hey Keri, this is Lacey McVea, I got your email the first time however that got lost when I was trying to transfer them over to send the invites then when you left a second message for me you didn't leave your email:) I would love to send you an invite to our blog just email me your email:)

reta said...

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